Pictured are a few of the MANY MANY MANY items I'm LOOKING for!!
Wayne's Antiques - 1589 Main Street - Brewster, MA.
My shop is usually open from AROUND NOON to AROUND 5:00 THURSDAY thru SUNDAY!
Open Many Many other hours "BY CHANCE" as I come and go ALL WEEK LONG!
I'm ALWAYS out looking for more good merchandise, so I SOMETIMES GET DELAYED!
If making a special trip, PLEASE call ahead.
Mornings I'm usually out BUYING more merchandise!
Afternoons I'm usually at the store BUYING and SELLING!
I have posted just a few photos of the MANY THOUSANDS of items I'M LOOKING FOR!
These are just SOME of the MANY THOUSANDS of items I'm LOOKING FOR!
I'm a VERY diverse BUYER and I'm always looking for more good merchandise to purchase!
We ALSO conduct "HOUSE SALES / ESTATE SALES" where we sell EVERYTHING in the house on site!
GREAT way to clean out the WHOLE house while getting it ready to sell!
Or cleaning it out once the house is under agreement!!
Basement, attic, shed, garage, house, barn, closets, EVERYTHING GONE! With money in your pocket!!
FREE consultations! Commission paid to us ONLY on what we sell!!
Broker, Realtor, Attorney inquiries are also invited.
Very experienced lifetime dealers with a great crew of the most experienced professionals
that exist!!
To SELL me items right away, I make it VERY EASY!!
Bring your "STUFF" by and I'll turn it into MONEY on the spot! It's that easy!
No consignment, promises, "I'll pay you after it sells" or anything else like that.
Photo IDs are required.
I do have a RETAIL store, so it's not like meeting with some "STRANGER YOU NEVER MET"!
You can just walk in the store and meet me at any time! I've been around for a long time!
Not like inviting some STRANGERS over to your house.
Or meeting in some obscure parking lot somewhere.
Retail Cape Cod Dealer since 1974!!
Many references.
Just ask around.
Wayne's Antiques
1589 Main Street
Brewster, MA